Sunday, 11 December 2011

Use Google Server to Increase Your Website Speed

Webmasters, web designers and web developers tend to build websites that can perform at great speed. We have been hearing a lot lately that factors Google consider in giving page rank to websites also include the website page speed. That is the speed a website responds and opens its pages to users. The ability of a website to serve data quickly to user. Greater speed, good page rank and happy visitors. Now the factors that determine the page speed or website speed not only include the design elements and website structure but it also include your web hosting provider efficiency. That is your server’s strength. Buy a web hosting and you will know that this is a whole new game you should understand to maintain your online presence. There are shared servers, virtual private servers and private servers. RAM issues, memory issues, connections and CPU cycles issues and lot more… We are not going to recommend you another great web hosting provider. But we are going to recommend you a method that can increase your website/web page speed almost double. And you do not have to change the web host either.

Google Page Speed Service is for every webmaster out there. The easy concept behind this is to virtualize the web server load by using the Google servers. Google server can decrease load from your web hosting providers for free and that will decrease server load and increase website performance. You will witness a greater responsiveness in opening your website pages and website.
Page Speed Service is a website speed optimization tool to help speed up the web. You have to sign up and point your site’s DNS entry to Google, they’ll enable the tool which will fetch your content from your servers, rewrite your webpages, and serve them up from Google’s own servers around the world.
Google says that applying this should improve website speed by 25 to 60 percent. Google will allow you to test out how much they’ll be able to speed up your site before you commit to it. You don’t have to worry about adding CSS, compressing images, caching, gzipping resources to speed up website. Google said that Page Speed Service will be offered for free to a limited set of testers. Eventually, they will charge for it.

Page Speed Service Setup

  • Log into the Google APIs Console.
  • Provide domain of the website you want to speed up.
  • Verify ownership of the domain through Google Webmaster Central.
  • Preview how your site will look when rendered through Page Speed Service.
  • Set up and provide the reference domain from where Page Speed Service will fetch your web site content.
  • Change your site’s DNS CNAME entry and start using Page Speed Service to serve traffic to your users.

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